- Einz, Zwei, Drei, Vier (2005) (on the front cover misspellt: "Einz" for eins)
Get it HERE! Re-up 05/2024

- 2 (2006)
Get it HERE! Re-up 05/2024

- Die Kosmische Sache (2008)
Get it HERE! Re-up 05/2024

- Anomalia (2008).

TRAUMMASCHINE offer all of their records for free download here and on several other places aswell.
As one might expect from the band name and also the album titles those two guys are heavily into experimental krautrock of the Mid-Seventies, namely bands like ASH RA (TEMPEL), POPOL VUH, AGITATION FREE, TANGERINE DREAM, FAUST and the like. Clearly their sound is more influenced by those "kosmischen Musikern" than let's say by german jazz rock bands like GURU GURU or hard rock acts like BIRTH CONTROL - which is a good thing, in my opinion...
"Experimentation, improv music, drones, free jazz, electronics, noise are some of the elements that shape its understanding of the music (...) You should watch the TRAUMMASCHINE with closed eyes and listen to it with open ears. The escapism is legitimate (...) The antinomy between myth and reality is dissolved, the identification between human beings and Angels is accomplished, as it is practically accomplished in mysticism..." (Traummaschine; quote from Myspace)
TRAUMMASCHINE were one of the bands that were invited to play this summer at the Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst, Germany, a famous festival organized by Jean-Hervé Péron (FAUST), featuring bands playing avantgarde, industrial, experimental, noise and krautrock music.
These recordings are highly recommended!!! Everybody who's somehow interested in (mostly instrumental) modern day psychedelic krautrock should really check them out.
I'd love to see those guys live! Should be really interesting.
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