– A fascinating collection of new sounds in the homemade lofi psych blogsphere –
01. RANCHO RELAXO - Like A Light - 4.02
02. ST. JAMES INFIRMARY - A Sound Is A Sound - 3.28
03. 3XCX3 PROJECT - "Moon will never fall" - 9.04
04. PAN AMP - Always Today - 5.00
05. BRIAN ANDREW MAREK - Muscle Car Demigod - 2.47
06. dANIL (TODESSTERN 007) - Hi, I'm A Motor # 3 - 6.15
07. GRASS MONKEY - Track Three (edit) - 5.07
08. RANGERS - Volvo Jungle Mist (edit) - 7.20
09. BARNYARD - One Nation Under A Poncho - 2.03
10. ANDREW BLAND AND STEVE LOGEL - Cytoplasm - 4.20
11. SHALLOBOI - Angels Floating On The Head Of A Pin - 6.49
12. BILL ROGERS - When The Clock Strikes 13 - 4.19
13. MICROGRAMMA MEDIUM EXTENDED - Triste (electro version) - 6.41
14. LUCAS NATHAN - Encouragement - 3.37
15. TRAUMMASCHINE - Angelica Filanda - 5.30
16. TAPIO OKSA - Sammon Sirpaleet - 3.06
The purpose of this sampler (and this blog) is to show how many great unrecognized very creative bands/artists are out there in the WWW – bands that are doing their own thing, unimpressed by the mainstream plastic pop world ...
I hope that at least some of those musicians will get the recognition they deserve ... at least in the digital world.
Since I started homemade-lofi-psych in January this year there were 137 posts; nearly 60 different bands/musicians were introduced to you blog readers.
HLFP 03 may serve as an appetizer. It features some of my personal favourite tracks by musicians, that were featured on this blog since I posted the last HLFP sampler...
(HLFP 02 "EMBRYO THOUGHTS" – though there is one exception: dANIL, who nevertheless is featured under another name on this blog as solo artist and band member of ORANGE, SUPER KING AND THE FIRE ACTION and CAPTAIN FARTFISH AND HIS CAREFUL MUFFINS)
... and that are NOT yet featured on the first two samplers. Therefore the title: "NEW KIDS ON THE BLOG".
Whoever will download HLFP 03 has the chance to come to know those bands and listen to one of their songs – and if he likes what he hears he may check out the original post with the complete album that song is taken from...
BLOGGERS: Feel free to repost this sampler, but please tell me about it, and please use the original links as long as possible!
The first and second Homemade-Lofi-Psych Samplers are still available for download:
Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!
I'm listening and assembling the packaging as we speak. Thanks for another great sampler and including me in the fun. I have been doing some more recording in a psychedelic/experimental vein lately and will present the results once I've built up enough material for an album. The working name for the project is The Vertigo Swirl.
Hi, BAM,
looking forward to hear it!
Hope you enjoy HLFP 03 as much as I do!
Well Mike, I've already given it a couple of spins and really like what I've heard - an impressive array of talent. I'd already familiarized myself with the works of Rangers, Barnyard and Lucas Nathan but this sampler has me going back to check out Bill Rogers, Tapio Oksa (VERY beautiful track) and who knows that else...?
very cool to be a part of this! I can't wait to hear it. Keep up the good work Mike!
Thankx for another fantastic sampler. Merry Xmas and happy new year mr. mike-floyd.
Always a special day when you present another sampler. Thanks for the hard work!
Thank you for this compilation. Really fantastic psychedelic sounds.
thank you for HLFP03. I recommend having a candlelight bath with a dash of kneipp gesundheitsbad "glückliche auszeit" while listening.
Hey daniL, loved yer track, got any more solo goodies up your sleeves?
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to comment.
to Dharma Bummer:
The SUPERKING (=daniL) AND THE FIRE ACTION CDR will be re-upped soon. It's great - strongly recommended!
Hey Mike-
Thanks for putting this comp together - great stuff! Glad to be a part of so much wonderful talent. I burned it to disk, printed out the graphics and it's all my car's CD player has blasted out in days!!!
I have a new album out:
'In The Land of The Pleasure Seekers'
drop me an email at: rogersbj@gmail.com with your snail-mail address and I'll mail you out a copy.
Stay Gold!!!
Bill Rogers
nice work good folks
just a proper heads-up on my reposting
Thanks a lot for the repost, jonesthought! Hope you enjoy the different sounds.
Happy New Year,
hallo mike - ich hatte soviel um die ohren seit weihnachten, daß ich jetzt zum ersten mal dazu kam, den x-mas sampler zu hören und ich muss sagen: wow - eine sehr schöne geschmackvolle zusammenstellung ist dir da (mithilfe all der talentierten psychedeliker, die hier verkehren) gelungen, kann man stunden lang hören und die zeit darüber vergessen - ich bin jedesmal völlig überrascht, wenn dann plötzlich im mix das mir vertraute Microgramma-Stück
sehr schönes werk, vielen dank.
und oberherzliche glückwünsche zur geburt deiner tochter. besser
kann man ein jahr ja garnicht beenden...
hello all participating musicians from internationalistan: i'm once again too lazy to translate all this into the common net language - just wanted to let you all know how much i like the new hlfp-sampler and all the great music you are making on it - and for the perfect compilation mike has made out of this material.
i can hear it over and over again (which is exactly what i'm going to do now)... thank you all & keep on 2009ing all year long!
This collection is more "pop structured" than the other two but for me that's a good thing.
I like it a lot. Thanks to all the artists for the gift.
Thanks, Esther/Elaina,
for your nice words.
this is such a great site you've got going, such a cool thing that yr doing. Must admit, don't know many of the bands yet, but for me that's a good thing! I love the unbridled creativity and collaborative community of this movement! glad to find ya!
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