"There is so much great music here..." WHERE TO START???

I recommend to
start with the HLFP-Samplers (especially HLFP 04).
Here you will come to know many of the bands/musicians featured in this blog. If you like what you hear, you may check out more of their music later on.
(You may also click on the picture on the sidebar and you will find the original post with download links.)

There is also a "FOCUS ON..." section. Here you will find albums that imo are absolutely great (***** = "five-stars-recordings") and that are essential listening and strongly recommended for download.

I TRY to RE-UP some stuff that has been down from time to

time, but I still don't have enough time to

listen to/post much new stuff.


IMPRESSUM: see here!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Captain Fartfish And His Careful Muffins - Live, Woodstöckchen 1987 (GER.)

CAPTAIN FARTFISH AND HIS CAREFUL MUFFINS was a psychedelic jam band from Germany, operating between 1987 and 1989 in the Odenwald area near Darmstadt. The three man band was heavily influenced by ZAPPA (especially Zappa's guitar playing – and also his humor), CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND HIS MAGIC BAND (around his most experimental phase, 1969) and Free Rock/Free Jazz (in the mood of early GURU GURU for example).
What makes this band so special is the excellent guitar playing of both Holger B. and Daniel P. Caesar (later SUPERKING & THE FIRE ACTION, ORANGE among others). It's most of the time quite heavy (the brilliant "Shotokan") and/or very experimental ("Little Insects...", "... Deep Sea Fish").
You can compare this version of "Little Insects Flying Around My Head" with the one played by CLOUD NINE AND THE VITAMIN C here.

Another weapon especially for this gig here was the trombone played in an unnerving Free-Jazz-CAPTAIN BEEFHEART-style ("The Captain Whips It Out"...).

The Woodstöckchen (= Little Woodstock) was a small (private party) underground festival, May 1987, in some vineyards near Heppenheim an der Bergstraße. Imagine an improvised stage in front of a small crowd of chatty stoned local freaks in the sunshine and you will get the picture...

Captain Fartfish And His Careful Muffins -
Live, Woodstöckchen 1987

(mp3 zip, 9 tracks, 90,4 MB, 66 min)
1. Little Insects Flying Around My Head - 12.58
2. Little Bakery I Used To Live In - 2.56
3. Shotokan - 6.43
4. Sharleena - 5.53
5. The Fartfish Is A Deep Sea Fish - 10.21
6. The Boring Old Fart Blues - 8.13
7. The Captain Whips It Out - 8.58
8. Some Stupid Pawn - 3.27
9. Playing Trombone In A French Café - 6.18
(New link December 2014)


member said...

high mike,
schön immer mal wieder alte denner perlen zu hören....
wir haben auch mal wieder was geposted....
geht bei uns immer nicht so regelmäßig, hatte in letzter zeit einfach nicht die zeit dazu....aber UBIK paint ist wirklich was besonderes.... stolles alte band, ist meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach, eines der coolsten unserer vielen Projekte...
laß es dir gut gehn und vielleicht hast du ja sogar zeit und möglichkeit zu unserem konzert mit damo diesen freitag zu kommen...
c u

mike-floyd said...

Hi member,

bin gerade am downloaden und werde mir die UBIK paint auf jeden Fall mal anhören.
Schon allein weil Ubik neben A Scanner Darkly und Palmer Eldritch mein Lieblingsbuch von Philip K. Dick ist...

All the best,