Here's the new one, looking back to 2009:
Homemade-Lofi-Psych presents:
– New far-out music for a new HEAD generation –
2009 was a very good year for homemade lofi psych. There was a total of 217 posts. Lots of interesting and sometimes even excellent psychedelic, experimental, weird folk and electronic music found its way to yours truly, and it was a real pleasure to listen to it and post it. And this is exactly the reason, why HLFP # 04 soon evolved into a double cd volume sampler, when I started to compile it.
Nevertheless I decided to not include the more experimental, pure electronic and weird folk songs (albeit there were many great ones in each of these sub-genres) and to concentrate on the more "really" psychedelic tinged rock and pop oriented pieces. Of course there are lots of borderline cases, but then: What exactly is your definition of "homemade lofi psychedelic music" anyway? Well, ... Probably some extra volumes of HLFP-Samplers will follow in the (near?) future, that will focus on those mentioned sub-genres not featured this time. Anyway, I'm rather sure that you will enjoy HLFP 04 as much as I do...
But enough talk for now. Sit back – it's time to listen and to surrender to the SOUND EXPLOSIONS!!!
HLFP 04 is especially dedicated to BaM. Thank you!
Comments are of course – as always - welcome.
mike-floyd, January 2010
CD 1
01. MANUAL ZOMBIE: Automatic People (5:21)
02. RIDING THE RIFF: Everything Is Alive (4:57)
03. STRANGERS FAMILY BAND: Strange Transmission (7:00)
04. PANEYE: Pasta and Chalk (3:31)
05. THE GOODLUCK BOYS: Shadows 1 (4:48)
06. BRODERICK YOUNG: Ave Godzilla (2:30)
07. THE WHEN McGRUFF WAS KING: Many More Melting (6:00)
08. THE MONKEY EASTERN: The Shoegazing Samurai (2:49)
09. LUNAR TESTING LAB: Topaze Bay (3:16)
10. ENDLESS ENDLESS ENDLESS: Distortions (6:08)
11. THE THREE POTATO 4: Let Yourself Know (3:24)
12. FILE 13: Glowing Smiles (7:56)
13. BLEED STONE: Off To Sleep Arachnid (6:15)
14. THE VERTIGO SWIRL: Baited Breath (7:29)
15. THE BAVARIAN DRUGLORDS: Goldsoul (5:18)
16. RAVER: Solar (2:26)
CD 2
01. NOLO: Fondu (2:46)
02. WOLF BURN: Nature Sounds (3:34)
03. BLANCANUS: All Smiles (3:09)
04. BLACK SAND: Falling Down (3:55)
05. SKY PICNIC: Moons of Jupiter (6:48)
06. SOHO RIOTS: The Day of the Days (5:47)
07. TAD SONIC: First Attack (Chapter Two) (2:04)
08. LEONEL GARCIA: He Donated His Brain To Science (Fiction) (4:02)
09. MANIK MYK THOMPSON: Loose Cannon (5:34)
10. WONDER WHEEL: Future Home (5:06)
11. GLAZE OF CATHEXIS: That Halycon Moment (2:08)
12. THE DIAMOND CENTER: Cap'n Death (5:16)
13. TYLER PARKFORD: Trepanation (3:20)
14. THE HOLYDRUG COUPLE: Ancient Land (5:35)
15. ANOTHER WORLD OF BEASTS: Apokalypsen (7:59)
16. INTERPRETACE: Eq 9 & 9 (6:49)
17. SLEEPING, DREAMING: Dreaming (4:25)
18. JARED FAIRFIELD: Conch (1:14)
(mp3-zip of 2 cds; 34 tracks, 368,4 MB, artwork + info incl.)
Get it
Don't forget to check out the older HLFP-Samplers, if you don't have them already:
I have it downloaded, I have it burned, I even have the cover art printed. Sadly, given the late hour, I can't listen to all of it now. But I've really enjoyed what I've heard so far, and I know this is going to turn me on to more bands whose stuff I need to go back and download. Thanks for the dedication, Mike!
cannot unpack cd2 from mediafire. will try the other...
really look forward to this. thanks for all the work you put in.
Thanks anon for telling me; new mediafire link will be posted soon.
nope... cannot unpack disc 2. Will have to try the single download....
same with other download link (forgot to mention)
Thanks for the new link.
amazing psychedelic collection, many thanks :)
Well, I've spent a little quality time with the sampler now. As I already count myself as a fan of Riding the Riff, The Three Potato 4, File 13, Blancanus, Sky Picnic, Leonel Garcia, Manik Myk Thompson, Glaze of Cathexis and Tyler Parkford (not to mention the man behind the curtain of The Vertigo Swirl), I'll say nothing about their contributions except that they did not disappoint.
A few other cuts that have caught my ear so far are by Strangers Family Band (like a more unambiguously psychedelic Doors with ambitious lofi production), The Goodluck Boys (like a hippier Can with jazzier chords - and an unexpected accordion) and The Bavarian Druglords (very Madchester, but fiercer and stripped of the dated 1990-era production techniques).
I'm sure to find other specific delights in the future, but a lot of this set invites you to "lay back and groove", and one's awareness of the current track number becomes blurry at best! Good compilation, Mike, I'm glad to be part of it!
Thanks, Dharma Bummer, for your comments and all your support in the last year!
I love everything on this.
A wonderful job in selection, track order and dedication to sharing lo-fi psychedelic music.
I'm gonna go back and grab the older comps from this blog.
Keep up the awesome work mike-floyd!
Always appreciated!
Thanks Marcus /OP!
Glad you like it!
Wow! Don't know how I missed this last month. Now downloading, can't wait to catch up on a lot of these bands I've missed in the past 6 months or so. I always get excited for a HLFP comp. Thanks for these comps...really some of the best and most original material out there.
Danny / Cat O Nine Tails Records
Thanks, Danny!
Enjoy it!
Hi Mr. Floyd!
The best sampler so far, I think. It's interesting that the music artists send you is getting and better.
Thanx for your work, man!!!
I can't comment on the music yet as I only just downloaded it, though it seems likely it will be something I will enjoy.
Track 209 on the 2nd CD is corrupt, (sync error at 1:59) and while it can be extracted with 7-Zip, it will stop playing at 1:59
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