"There is so much great music here..." WHERE TO START???

I recommend to
start with the HLFP-Samplers (especially HLFP 04).
Here you will come to know many of the bands/musicians featured in this blog. If you like what you hear, you may check out more of their music later on.
(You may also click on the picture on the sidebar and you will find the original post with download links.)

There is also a "FOCUS ON..." section. Here you will find albums that imo are absolutely great (***** = "five-stars-recordings") and that are essential listening and strongly recommended for download.

I TRY to RE-UP some stuff that has been down from time to

time, but I still don't have enough time to

listen to/post much new stuff.


IMPRESSUM: see here!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cellophane Rechordings ~ Sampler # 67

And here it is: The Cellophane Rechordings ~ Sampler # 67!
A fantastic sampler of weird homemade psychedelic music compiled from artists of the Brooklyn based indie label Cellophane Rechordings.

"I have been making psych music since the late 80's of all genres, pop-psych, spacerock , dreamy folk,tape collages, you name it, mostly on 4-track and recently on 8-track reel to reel. I am doing a history of all the recordings I've done on my blog (http://cellophanerechordings.blogspot.com/), along with absurd stories, photos, videos,and music. I'm up to the mid-90's right now. (...)

It's (= Cellophane Rechordings~Sampler # 67) a colorful psych pop mash up of various bands and homemade recordings we've done over the years (20!) interspersed with random gibberish and tape collage edits."

"My name is Jesse Michael Roy and I like recording music with friends and daydreaming. I haven't adjusted to the world around me very well and so I spend my days creating sinewy spiderweb veneers to hide behind in my lair of kaleidoscoptic mirrors. I own some paisley shirts, a broken sitar, a cheshire cat, and have ingested copious amounts of hallucinogens and other such chemical concoctions all in vain. I give to you my gifts of musick, scientifically designed to stimulate the pineal gland to release the rhizofluorescent aether~like fluids up and down the chakras into the astral light, to pull a grin out of a rabbit's hat a mile long to plaster across your face like a porpoise's wet dream.

 Visit http://cellophanerechordings.blogspot.com/ for the unwinding tale of the struggles of a humble D.I.Y. cassette label throughout 20+ winding years of cruel and unusual punishment. Always brought to you with varying hues of humor."
(Jesse Michael Roy)

Links to some of the bands who've rostered our grace:

Cellophane Rechordings ~ Sampler # 67
(USA 1988-2009)
(mp3-zip, 24 tracks, 61 min, 138,9 MB, artwork incl.)
This is what you'll get (that is: if you dare!):

1. cecil's cellophane ceiling ~ paperhead 1992
2. the entranceway to play ~ the singed birds cage ~ 2005
3. define psychedelic / the planet mongo ~ the 4 lads on WLAD 1989
4. little green circles ~ paperhead 1990
5. 1000 miles below sea level ~ paperhead 1990
6. nature tip ~ WLAD P.S.A. 1989
7. springtime! ~ the singed birds cage 2005
8. mrs. thomas' garden ~ fred driscoll 1991
9. april showers ~ the singed birds cage 2005
10. time 2 spring ~ the singed birds cage 2005
11. the planet mongo ( excerpt) ~ the 4 lads 1988
12. bandulicious ~ strung-together wanderlu$t 2006
13. babies ~ the amputation appreciation collective 2003
14. frayed ~ the amputation appreciation collective 2003
15. the fractal elves ~ the rainbow fireflys 1999
16. rachel's 21st birthday ~ the rainbow fireflys 1999
17. slug beer ~ WLAD commercial 1989
18. cartoon nightmare (exceprt) ~ hashish symphony 2007
19. riding on my bicycle ~ smile 1989
20. cowboy ~ never shake a baby 1995
21. up in the air ~ the rainbow fireflys 1999 (new vocals by Shoval Zohar 2009)
22. octopus ~ lowflyingplanes 2002
23. space patrol ~ never shake a baby 1995
24. rain ~ paperhead 1990

Get this sampler here!


Dharma Bummer said...

Great stuff! It's like a mini encyclopedia of all the possibilities of glorious analogue tape and equally glorious psychedelic weirdos. Sometimes raucous, sometimes tuneful, sometimes funny, but always tickling that pineal gland.

Anonymous said...

unreal, psych goodness,

can we be friends? in reality?


the when mcgruff was king

michaeldustdevil said...

hi... been a while, lost your email, but here's something new... bit different to ANCIENTS & Atlantic Drone, but hey, verity is good... done by Bendle (from The Door And The Window) & me... feel free to post it if you want...


i also have some Syd Barret like stuff that i recorded at my job that i have been given the right to set free... REALLY good... let me know if you want it... Mxxx

cellophane recordings said...

Thanks for the comments. Brian Andrew Marek--your music caught my eye some time back and I liked what I heard. I also recently downloaded your friend Manic Mykes music which was also pretty excellent. I need to listen more. It always feels nice when there's people on your musical wavelength who appreciate what you do. So yeah, you guys really make my day!

Mr. McGruff, let's be friends. I live in Brooklyn--you nearby? I saw all your posts as well but have not listened yet. Drop me a line here or at joyseers1@gmail.

Dharma Bummer said...

Jesse - Thanks for the comments, in fact I talked to Myk recently - we're supposed to get together this Sunday for our first joint recording session in YEARS - and told him he needed to check this sampler out, 'cos a lot of it reminded me of him... and the rest should remind him of me! Also, check out the File 13/Full Dimensional stuff Mike Floyd has started to post, that's another labour of love for an old friend as Mike so rightly puts it, with much more to come...

Crunchy Weta said...

mindopening .. great stuff... thanks a million... better than anything I've purchased all year!