– A mind blowing collection of inner and outer space snapshots of different kinds –

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(mp3 zip of 2 CDs; 20 tracks, 175,9 MB, 123 min, art + info incl.)!
CD 1
01. ANCIENTS - Son Of Albion (3.50)
02. STOLLE & MEMBER - Wellen (mixed & edited) (9.55)
03. LEONEL GARCIA - Neurogenesis (First Thoughts) (4.20)
04. T.H.U.M.B. - Jorgen's Shit Song (3.48)
05. SZBUTÄ SORÖH - Womb Of My Mind (6.23)
06. DANNY SPACECAT - The Probe (3.26)
07. GLAZE OF CATHEXIS - Drifting Concepts (5.08)
08. ATLANTIC DRONE - Muddy 'ol Sea (6.40)
09. WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS - Pregnant Tight Rope Walker in Santa Ana (4.10)
10. ANYONE'S DREAMCOLOUR - Embryo Thoughts (3.59)
11. THIS LOVE IS DEADLY - My New Favourite Need (4.52)
CD 2
01. JAY MATTHEWS - Dreams (2.19)
02. EPHEMEROL - embryO dreamS oF (10.00)
03. MAURICE RICKARD - Macbeth 1 (6.17)
04. TRUE COLOUR OF BLOOD - In My Next Life I'm Coming Back As A Field Of Poppies (7.23)
05. THE WIG MUSEUM - Future Daze (2.55)
06. TORSTN KAUKE - Not Like Always (pt. 1-4) (8.26)
07. DREAMCOLOUR - Dreamshow (edit) (9.58)
08. CATASTO ELETTRICO - Beta Centauri (9.14)
09. RADAGAST PROJECT - Re:birth (edit) (10.00)
Quite a collection! I think there are some absolutely outstanding tracks on HLFP 02! What a variety of sounds, but "EMBRYO THOUGHTS" is nevertheless good for a suprisingly fluent, coherent listening experience.
I gotta say, I'm quite happy with the great resonance. There is an internationality of musicianship to be found here, that really makes me proud (we have artists from Germany, USA, the United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil...), though I really would have liked to hear something from JAPAN, KOREA and... But maybe next time. LOFI PSYCH HEADS UNITE!
THANKS to everyone involved in assembling HLFP 02!
And a special THANK YOU to torstn kauke for inspiring this special collection of psych/experimental songs!

BLOGGERS: Feel free to repost this sampler, but please tell me about it, and please use the original links as long as possible!
More info is to be found in the comments!
So READERS: 20 bands created a song and did their best to reach you, and to comfort you. They are giving their songs to you freely! So now it's your turn to leave a comment and give them the applause they deserve... Thanks!
- A mind blowing collection of inner and outer space snapshots of different kinds -
01. ANCIENTS - Son Of Albion (3:50)
From the unreleased, unfinished album "Paens & Odes". THE ANCIENTS is one of Michael Dust Devil's (DUSTdevils, ATLANTIC DRONE...) band projects. Sadly the singer Patrick Hurst just recently took his life. The song was recorded about 3 months ago on Michael's Pro-Tools rig, just before he returned from Bradford, Yorkshire, to live in the USA again. Right at the moment Michael is busy recording a new lp with JACKIE-O MOTHERFUCKER and also just finished recording the 2nd lp with ATLANTIC DRONE (Hugh Hopper from SOFT MACHINE is now in the band!).
02. STOLLE & MEMBER - Wellen (mixed & edited) (9:55)
A track from their latest workshop, freshly mixed and edited. Stolle & Member are two guys from Karlsruhe and Frankfurt a. M., Germany, specialised in creating free improvised music in the best 70's krautrock tradition. From time to time they play as a rock trio called THE WHOLE, often joined by krautrock legend DAMO SUZUKI (ex THE CAN).
Their many different musical band projects are very well documented on their own blog
03. LEONEL GARCIA - Neurogenesis (First Thoughts) (4:20)
The song was directly inspired by the theme of this sampler. The lyrics were written from the point of view of an embryo asking his mother about his/her future, and not optimistically about his dad. Leonel records alone with a PC, guitars, Casio keyboard and mic. He is not confined to record psych or trippy music (although that's his main influence), he records whatever mood he is into.
04. T.H.U.M.B. - Jorgen's Shit Song (3:48)
Unreleased track from the latest recording session. The Italian stoner rock band (with space and psych elements) consisting of Bokal (bass, vocals, synth), The Zmudah (guitar and vocals), Liz (drums) released two cds up until now. They played many gigs in Italy some years ago, but now seem to be no longer together, there may a reunion though in the near future.
05. SZBUTÄ SORÖH - Womb Of My Mind (6:23)
SZBUTÄ SORÖH is a Brazilian one-man experimental/noise music project. Samuel Macedo, the man behind the name, uses a variety of different instruments and many different sources for his music, ranging from bamboo flutes, acoustic and electric guitars to field recordings, that afterwards are manipulated through computer processings. This for sure isn't easy listening!
06. DANNY SPACECAT - The Probe (3:26)
Original, unreleased track, recorded (using a 4-track connected to PC) by Pete Adcock, a guy in the UK, under the name of DANNY SPACECAT. Danny also plays guitar for a band called THE RUNNIES, that also have two tracks on the new JULIAN COPE tribute CD, Interpreters Volume 3 - Triple Vegetation (free download: http://www.tripalot.com/cope/interpreters/volume3.htm).
07. GLAZE OF CATHEXIS - Drifting Concepts (5:08)
(Music/lyrics by Matt Comegys, published under Psychedelic Garage music.) Recorded at the Psychedelic Garage Studio in Ueda, Japan, in January 2007, featuring a Fender Jazz Bass, Fender Telecaster, Roland Juno 60, and a tin can for holding pencils, all delayed by a Boss ME-50 effects board. Matt of course is the man behind Dr. Schluss' great music blog, where you'll find more of his music for free download.
08. ATLANTIC DRONE - Muddy 'ol Sea (6:40)
(Written by Steven Cerio and Jim Drago; produced/arranged by Steven Cerio) Drumspercussion/synth, bass - Steven Cerio; guitars - Sal Canzonieri, Dave Rick, Michael Dust Devil; sax - Bryan Kieser.
ATLANTIC DRONE is essentially the one man band of Steven Cerio, who uses contributors and old talented buddies like Michael Dust Devil to help him out. "Muddy 'ol sea" (alternative title: "Mexican Spy") "won't fit on the next record so it'll nice to have it floating around!! Now it has a home." (S. C.) Their stellar, highly psychedelic debut record is available via Noiseville Records.
09. WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS - Pregnant Tight Rope Walker In Santa Ana (4:10)
(Written by We're Late For Class.) Like all of WLFC's music, this is a live improv track (mixed to sound not-so-improv), recorded April 18, 2008 during "The LSD Sessions", but was left off of their 31st web release to be an exclusive part of HLFP 02. You'll find all of their recordings for free download here:
10. ANYONE'S DREAMCOLOUR - Embryo Thoughts (3:59)
ANYONE'S DREAMCOLOUR is the solo homerecording project of former CLOUD NINE (& THE VITAMIN C) and ORANGE bass player Mike S. from Mainz and now Berlin, Germany. This track is in fact an edit/remaster of a demo recording of a 1999 sessions of a song called "Strange Room", until now unreleased. All instruments played by Mike S., recorded on analog 4-track. Other web-only releases – solo or with his various bands – can be found on:
11. THIS LOVE IS DEADLY - My New Favourite Need (4:52)
A demo recoding left in the can until now... from this promising shoegazer/dream pop/post punk band from Germany. The current line-up of TLID is: Lisa: vocals, bass; Louis: guitar, vocals; Janne: drums.
12. JAY MATTHEWS - Dreams (2:19)
"'Dreams' was recorded on a yamaha mt100 4-track sometime in the early 1990's, in Skemersdale, Lancashire, UK, by myself, Jay Matthews, I was experimenting with pedals and effects and trying to create some Trippe sounds... just overlapping guitars... it did originally have some strange vocals, but they were deleted and the song has simply just lay around for 20 years... Recording engineer was Peter Adcock" (see track # 06! m-f) (J. M.). Jay is like DANNY SPACECAT a member of THE RUNNIES.
13. EPHEMEROL - embryO dreamS oF (10:00)
On this track: Maxim Engl: ggguitars, Ike Anger: mix & mastering. EPHEMEROL (from Frankfurt a.M., Germany) is Maxim's post rock/noise/experimental band; other bands and projects he is or was involved are POET ZERO, THE JANITORS OF LUNACY, ORANGE, SPACE TRUCKIN' and PAN AMP. Web releases of some of them may be found on
14. MAURICE RICKARD - Macbeth 1 (6:17)
Maurice has been performing live since 2001, doing performances of guitar-and-PowerBook-based ambient electro-acoustic improvisation under several different project names. He also is a member of the GLENN BRANCA ENSEMBLE, having joined for the recording and performance of BRANCA's "Symphony No. 13" in 2004 and 2006.
15. TRUE COLOUR OF BLOOD - In My Next Life I'm Coming Back As A Field Of Poppies (7:23)
Until now unreleased track. TRUE COLOUR OF BLOOD is the one-man-band project of Eric Kesner from Washington D.C., dedicated to "Guitar Based Atmospheric Soundscapes", that could also be described as dark ambient.
16. THE WIG MUSEUM - Future Daze (2:55)
Another one-man-band-project, this time from provincial UK. The web-only release "House of Toucan" is a true psychedelic masterpiece and well woth checking out! (You know where!) Herod (aka Marvin), the man behind THE WIG MUSEUM, has played and recorded with various bands over the last 20 years and is also the one running
17. TORSTN KAUKE - Not Like Always (pt. 1-4) (8:26)
(written, performed and produced by torstn kauke
in offenbach/germany, august 2008)
"here comes something you will never understand
here comes something you'll never get out of alive
now this is not like always
now this is something new
this is not like always
here comes something you will never understand
not like always
here comes something you'll never get out of alive
not like always
this is called life - come and try one
this is called life - come and have one
this is your life - come and get one"
"originally written 1992 and re-animated/modified for the “embryo thoughts” HLFP sampler. i used to write & produce these kind of indie-psychedelic-songs in the nineties and released several tapes. some of these tapes can be found (or will be found there in the future) on my unpop-blog (www.unpop-media.blogspot.com). there i’m posting much of my recorded work with different bands and projects of the last 20 years.in the moment i’m working most of my time on my german-language project/band SUPERSTOLK (www.myspace.com/Superstolk) and with the Improvisation/ Krautrock-Group “MICROGRAMMA MEDIUM EXTENDED” and in some other, yet unnamed Techno-Projects." (t.k.)
18. DREAMCOLOUR - Dreamshow (edit) (9:58)
Recorded August 17 at DREAMCOLOUR's 'DREAMSHOW' at Mai's Cafe in Ventura, CA. The improvisation is an excerpt from "Colour Combinations Vol. 1" and features alex gray: guitar/sounds; alexa pantalone: bass; teddy skupien: drums/trumpet; rob magill: saxophone; ryan ermisch: synthesizer; chelsea gray: clarinet. (The track was slightly shortened and edited by mike-floyd to fit in to the given time span.)
19. CATASTO ELETTRICO - Beta Centauri (9:14)
CATASTO ELETTRICO is an improvisational Italian band, that retired from playing live to concentrate on recording improvised sessions very much in a jazzy progressive style (with some indi influences). For this compilation CATASTO ELETTRICO were digging deep in their vaults and finally found this track, which they edited years ago for a dead early album project. "It is really an embryonic thing for us, one from our space side belonging to the days we switched from composed to improvised music." (C. E.) You can explore their more recent work at
20. RADAGAST PROJECT - Re:birth (edit) (10.00)
Another psychedelic Gem from RADAGAST PROJECT, recorded 15/08/08 on a fostex 8 track analogue tape machine. The voices were recorded with an analogue answering machine, edited with Magix Cleaning Lab and transferred to tape. RADAGAST PROJECT is the psychedelic folk project of former PEACE'N'STUFF bass & flute player Christof Köhler (aka Koehler, aka CK – listen to tr. 8 on the first HLFP sampler!). Here he dives deep into inner space to explore the embryonic experience... On a background of didgeridoo and sitar drone there’s a stereo track of distorted electric guitar treated with a violin bow and occasional mellow flute. A monotonous heartbeat bass and gong explosion towards the end create an astounding early Floyd mood. All instruments played by CK. This version here was slightly speeded up and had to be edited to meet Mike’s 10 minute restrictions. The original, unedited version is 12.20 min long. More web-only released stuff can be found on
1. Each song had to be unreleased until the given date to feature EXCLUSIVE material, and it had to fit in somehow to the given THEME.
2. Each artist could only contribute ONE track.
3. Song length: 10 MINUTES or less.
4. SOUND QUALITY wasn't that important (remember the blog's name!), but it had to be LISTENABLE.
5. NO COVER SONGS were allowed. The contributor had to be the copyright holder.
6. DEADLINE was Fr. 15th, August 2008 (more or less...)
Some adjustments were done, when it seemed necessary: first of all concerning the different recording levels; also some noise and recording clicks were removed/faded in or out at the beginning and the end of one or two songs; one mono track had to be shortened and was doubletracked and slightly remixed on that occasion to give it a little bit more volume (hope you don't mind, guys!). Otherwise all tracks were left untouched.
The songs on HLFP 02 are placed exactly in the running order as they were sent to me. First track came first... (Thanks, Michael!), nevertheless I find this sampler suprisingly fluent and coherent – though a whole lot of different styles are to be heard.
Almost all offered tracks were chosen in the end. Only one song had to be rejected for the fact, that it already had been released (even on this blog!) and it had absolutely NOTHING to do with the given theme/concept! Sorry, guys!
All things considered I'm quite happy with the good resonance, there's an internationality of musicianship to be found here, that really makes me proud (we have artists from Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil...), though I really would have liked to hear something from Japan, Korea and... But maybe next time! And the quality of the songs is really amazing; I think, there are some absolutely outstanding tracks on this collection here!
By the way: My blog and this sampler are NOT about censorship. The artists alone are responsible for their work – and their lyrics!
to everyone involved in assambling HLFP 02! THIS IS YOUR SAMPLER!
And a special THANK YOU to torstn kauke for inspiring this collection!
"EMBRYO THOUGHTS" is dedicated to my yet unborn child and its fantastic mother!
mike-floyd, August 2008
(c) all rights reserved by the contributing artists and mike-floyd
Hi Mike
many thanks for this. And obviously it will be reposted (with your link!) on the side-bar of http://catastosfriendlyfire.blogspot.com just near your first sampler.
And obviously... keep up your great work!
All the best
Catasto Elettrico
great job sir!... i go on vacation tomoz... it will be on the pod...
Nice one, Mike! HLFP2 has been whacked onto the pod and will be given heavy rotation play over the coming days/weeks/centuries. Really looking forward to listening to this. I'll be back with comments, praise and squirly thoughts.
Herod, The Wig Museum.
Thanks for the opportunity to place me in between these GREAT artists. I love it.
high mike,
many thanks
great to be on this sampler
all the best to everyone who was involved
stolle & member
Thanks for your kind words!
Addenda to track 14. MAURICE RICKARD - Macbeth 1:
"I don't think I mentioned or described this at all, but the occasion for
my doing the piece I submitted (and the name) has to do with a theater
piece my friend Steve Pellegrino put on, and it's described here:
I was in the large band, but I also did the walk-on music, which is what
you've heard."
(M. R.)
Thanks Maurice for the additional info.
Hi Mike
the MEGAUPLOAD file seems to be corrupted. We tried 3 downloads with the same result. Please check and let us know if we must change the link in the sidebar re-post. (BTW: can you see our site sidebar? We are unable to visualize it since two days...)
Catasto Elettrico
Thanks Catasto, for telling me. I'll give megaupload another try and change the link then.
No trouble with your sidebar w. SAFARI or OPERA, but takes longer to show up with a CAMINO-Browser. Seems to depend on the browser used and maybe the pop-ups suppressed.
Hope this will help.
I downloaded the Megaupload file and initially had problems unzipping it, although I did manage to eventually get the files out (just listening to it now - some great stuff!) The zip file was somehow locked and I can't even remember how I unlocked it, just fiddling about with preferences in Winzip or Winrar. So, the zip works, but not without having to prise it open with a crowbar ;)
Maybe there is some preference that needs altering when zipping the file? Not sure, I'm far from an expert.
Maybe this'll help:
For Mac users I'd recommend UnRarX
(http://www.unrarx.com/) to unzip (stuffit-expander often has problems). It's free and will unzip nearly everything...
Don't know which one's best for PC users,
he mike - einfach grossartig !
this result from my little idea is even better than i ever imagined it could be !
this really is a very entertaining contemporary psych-compilation and i'm very proud to be part of it ! thanks to everybody who was involved for providing such brilliant tracks!! also, very nice to get to know what the reason for the "embryo thoughts"-theme is - all the best for your upcoming little family!!
technical probs: i'm on a pc and tried to open the zip-file with win-rar (as usually) but this was'nt possible. i tried then winzip an this worked out very easy.
i think this is again a mac vs. pc-thing..
i got my winzip here (german version): http://www.chip.de/downloads/WinZip_12991832.html
viele grüsse,
Great job! By the way, congratulations, Mike! Parenthood is awesome.
Thanks again for the kind words and good wishes...
... and enjoy the music, (hopefully as much as I do).
As I said before:
Hey Mike,
Many thanks for including us. Looking forward to hearing everybody's work. We already know some of these guys, like our pals Stolle & Member and Catasto Elettrico (and have discovered some other cool guys through you, like T.H.U.M.B.) so we're looking forward to 2-CDs worth of madness. We'll pop a plug on our blog this week. Thanks again,
Downloaded it last night but haven't had the chance to listen to it yet, so looking forward to that tonight. Thanks for including the track and all the work you did on this.
Oh and Congratulations...
Danny Spacecat
thanks again mike!
i have yet to experience the whole thing, but the tracks i did hear were amazing! thanks for including us and the best of luck to you regarding your unborn bundle of joy!
Thanks for the inclusion and continued support! I'll get a link for this up on my blog soon.
What an ear-opener. Your compilation provides an education in real musical art. After listening to two more sets like this (and Vol. 1) and I will have earned a real live LoFi degree. Then I can proudly remove the PhD from the end of my name and add in its place LfD! Thanks for the bolt of enlightening
To revrev.
Thanks, you're welcome! Enjoy the wild mood swings! More to come...
To WLFC and Dr. Schluss:
Thanks for linking!
To Danny and Alex:
Thanks for the good wishes and your kind words!
To ALL musicians, who contributed to HLFP 02:
You did a great job! Thanks again!
To all musicians, who did NOT contribute to HLFP 02:
Maybe next time!
And don't be shy! If you or your band play psychedelic or experimental music or krautrock or whatever else that is original and interesting, and you want to get heard, you know what to do...!
this is awesome thanks for posting.
A little late to the party, but this cool. I definitely want to share this on my blog.
You're welcome, One inch man!
Links are not working anymore :(
Can the compilation be found anywhere else? or reposted?
Will be reposted in January.
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