MILMAN-BRIGNALL ENIGMA recorded this stuff in a very long period of time. When the record finally came out, the band only played one gig: the record release showcase. For personal reasons it was not possible for them to tour at that time, so the album was never properly promoted.

The MBE were based in Seattle, WA., and lasted from about 2000 until 2006. The basic line-up consisted of: Al Milman: voc., Matt Brignall: a lotta different instruments (like sitar, banjo, mellotron, tone generator, guitars...), Dan Israel: dr, Jack Endino (who also produced the record as well as records by NIRVANA, SOUNDGARDEN and MUDHONEY): bs and David Will: keyboard & back. voc.
"BAFFLEMANIA is an intoxicating mixture, incorporating psychedelia (...), ragabilly, a new blend of Indian and C&W (...), with hints of modern jazz, a collision of garage rock & Brubeck (...), delivered with a large dose of humor." (Quote from CD Baby).
Nothing more to add. Enjoy!
And if you like the music, PLEASE SUPPORT THE ARTISTS! You can buy the complete record at CD Baby for only 9,99 USD.
(sans the cover songs) (2006)
(mp3 zip, 13 tracks, 38 min, 80,2 MB, w. cover art work)
1. Prologue
2. You're So Existential
3. Any Further Attempt To Contact me Will Be Ignored
4. Fragments
5. Expressions Worn In Autumn
6. Yesterday's Garbage
7. Barbecue Sauce
8. Psychotic Episode
9. Mighty Mouse (vers. 2)
10. Liberation
11. How's Your Fuzzy Box
12. I'll Wake Up Dead That Morning When I'm Gone
13. Epilogue
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