Last year I remembered that I had some unfinished 4 track tapes lying around somewhere, and I always wanted to send them to a friend, so that he could work with them, remix them and add something new to them. He then would send them back to me, so that I could work on and send the new version of that thing back to him (or to any other musician). Of course this never happened... But the idea was there.
Then - also last year - torstn kauke sent me an email, in which he suggested to start some kind of
on this blog: post some material that others could work with and then repost it here... and so on...
Some weeks later Brian Andrew Marek talked about the same thing and then - recently - J. C. Thorne (aka: icastico) made a comment and also supplied the raw material: the tracks that you'll find here: "Throw it out there not away", originally posted on his blog
So I guess, it's about time to just do it!!!
And so today I'll post the first "SEED" - the mentioned tracks by J . C. Thorne - and I ask every musician who reads this and who digs the idea to download them, add instruments, remix 'em, drive over them, eat them, sleep with them... or do anything else that he wants to do with or to them... and to send me the results - so that I can post it.
Of course you may as well start your own seed - or change the first seed in a way that noone will recognize it...
Should be funny, I guess!!!
These tracks here were recorded by the follow up to para!helion (see Midaq Alley and 3 Miles from Mecca).
The original story goes like this (as reported by J. C. Thorne):
"In the summer of 2000, after Jeff graduated and moved away from Albuquerque, Dave and I recruited our friend Jeff Gassaway to join us on bass for some late night improv sessions. (...) in the end none of the tracks manage to quite gel into cohesive units. Each have moments I like - there are plenty of interesting herky-jerky, odd time-signature grooves and Dave does some of his best trumpet work - but in the end the project really needed an additional player if it was going to work. I have kept these recordings intending to do some radical remixes and to recruit some additional players to lay overdubs on the resulting tracks. But, given that I haven't gotten around to that after almost 9 years, it seems unlikely that will ever happen. (...) there might be someone out there who could recognize the potential in these tracks and turn them into something. In that spirit, I am posting the raw tracks, flaws and all, as loop fodder for the remixologists out there that may find them useful. For listeners, I would advise dropping these into a random mix rather than treating them as an album. They work better that way.
Album: Throw it out there, not away
Style: Free improvisation - jazz meets math rock
Recorded live to 2 track DAT summer 2000.
Trumpet, effects - Dave
Bass - Jeff
Drum Kit - me = J . C. Thorne"
Idea one...some over-the-top and hectic guitar work laid on top of track 3...plenty of distortion.
I'll be watching to see how this turns out.
Downloaded... burned... soon to be listened to... hopefully I can come up with some bright ideas...
Great idea, Mike.
Interesting - for some odd reason I got onto following links / posts about my playing for another band and ended up here. (I played bass on that recording -- we started out with some pretty over the top guitar too, but it never made it to record). Anyway - wondered if anyone ever mixed this in to something else.
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