"There is so much great music here..." WHERE TO START???

I recommend to
start with the HLFP-Samplers (especially HLFP 04).
Here you will come to know many of the bands/musicians featured in this blog. If you like what you hear, you may check out more of their music later on.
(You may also click on the picture on the sidebar and you will find the original post with download links.)

There is also a "FOCUS ON..." section. Here you will find albums that imo are absolutely great (***** = "five-stars-recordings") and that are essential listening and strongly recommended for download.

I TRY to RE-UP some stuff that has been down from time to

time, but I still don't have enough time to

listen to/post much new stuff.


IMPRESSUM: see here!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Altan Basharan - Plucking Feather (UK 2009)

"i met Altan, like Patrick, at my job at the Assisi House Project, he has severe schizophrenia & lives in sheltered housing with the Mind mental health charity in bradford uk... these recording were done over a period of about a year whenever he was well enough... he was very specific about how the songs went & sounded, everything is played by him & in the most part played live in one take, i did get him to track a guitar a few times but he was always reluctant... although, the results are amazing... he was very difficult to record as he sang so very quietly... the sound of his pick on the strings can be heard often as bleed through the vocal mic... & i think adds much charm... he is an absolute treasure to work with..."


Amazing record! ALTAN BASHARAN's singing voice and guitar playing as well as his witty, whimsical compositions truly bring to mind SYD BARRETT in his post PINK FLOYD phase.

Strongly recommended!

Thanks a lot to michaelDUSTdevil!

Altan Basharan - Plucking Feather (UK 2009)

(mp3-zip, 8 tracks, 33 min, 74,1 MB)

Get it here or here or here!


michaeldustdevil said...

big thanks for posting this... as Altan says, "i don't mind where it goes, as long as it is for free"... & all the connotations that can contain... Mxxx

Aitor Alejandro said...

This is really great. I've became a new Altan Basharan fan.

michaeldustdevil said...

isn't it great!... so pleased you took the time to listen... he is an absolute treasure... i'll make his new one available as soon as he is happy with it...