Psychedelic Krautrock Double-Feature
- No Fasching today -
„Blue Elephants Destroy Life On Earth"
EphemeroL + P.E.T.R.A
Samstag 21.02.09, 21:00, Die Halle,
Wächtersbacher Str. 84 H, 65795 Frankfurt-Riederwald
live: Die Invasion der Blauen Elefanten im hinteren Riederwald und Zerstörung des Lebens auf der Erde.
Mit dabei: die Bands ephemeroL und P.E.T.R.A.
Welcome Outerspace!
Ike Anger - voc, git, harp; Frank Rosenberg - voc, bass; MR Ling – drums
P.E.T.R.A. is back from Space! Far out long psychedelic improvisations and short songs... Kraut and cream for breakfast... Label: kin-et ffm, http://www.kin-et.de
Influences: Beasts Of Bourbon, Faust, Guru Guru, Ummagumma, MC5, Can, Neu, J. Richman, Yo La Tengo, Wipers; Film: Blow Up...

P.E.T.R.A. - Aldebaran 2
(mp3 track, 33 min, 18 MB)
Get it here or here!
Check this out: 'Aldebaran' starts just like your favourite NEIL YOUNG song crossed with THE PERC MEETS THE HIDDEN GENTLEMAN before drifting into a psychedelic space haze after a few minutes... Great!
Maxim Engl - guitar, electronics; Roger Eckhardt - bass, electronics; Peter Prochir - drums, electronics
ephemeroL is a platform to break new ground for different influences and genres. Repetition and frozen chords are as important and valuable as free material or rock music. Although our music is basically guitar/bass/drums, we use minimal electronic music, free improvisation and early industrial music to create something altogether new. Our live presentations vary from free improvised chamber tunes, endless drones and pure noise to more conventional structured rock tunes. In the early 80ies, before founding the still existing industrial project SIELWOLF, Peter was, together with HEINER GOEBBELS and ALFRED HARTH a member of the band CASSIBER, which created a compound of free improvised music, punk and avantgarde. At the same time Maxim combined industrial music with 60ies elements in his band JANITORS OF LUNACY, sometimes playing improvised happenings for five hours.
In 2004 we performed at an Indian music-festival in Frankfurt which lasted for several days. Together with Indian musicians, traditional music and our own material was used as a basis for improvisation. In 2005 Peter played several live sessions with ex-CAN vocalist DAMO SUZUKI.
Influences: Gus van Sandt; Gastr del Sol; Glenn Branca; Deep Purple; Black Sabbath; Pierre Henry; Philip K. Dick; David Cronenberg; J.G.Ballard; John Fahey; Alfred Bester; Spike Jonze; Miles Davis; PiL; tbc...
Sounds like: Flower /Eye /Haze!!!!!

EPHEMEROL - Demo E.P. (2006)
(mp3 zip, 3 tracks, 54,9 MB)
1. Nine Days Rain (8.09)
2. Melatonin (12.41)
3. Ephemerol (19.12)
Read more about EPHEMEROL here!