In the summer of 2005 "I fired up the (already obsolete) ADAT machine, chose some songs both old and new, and began the joyously painstaking task of recording a solo album. A SOLO album, for I am fully to blame for every instrument and every voice heard upon this recording. A solo ALBUM, because this was conceived as such, not as a serious of unrelated demos or experiments (...)
Please enjoy, and know that though I receive no monetary recompense, the right comment is more precious far than gold.
While I have prepared a MP3 version of the album for the convenience of those who don't want or aren't familiar with FLAC files, it suffers from the tiny glitches or drop-outs at track endings/beginning so common with crossfaded album encoded as separate MP3s (if there is workaround for this, please let me know (dito - mike-floyd) – I've never heard of one). BAM
The higher quality flac Version is available from Bandcamp:
Please support the artists and buy their music whenever it's possible.
BRIAN ANDREW MAREK - A Lion in the Sun
(Mp3 version; 2005/2008)
(mp3-zip, 16 tracks, 50 min, 113 MB)
Get it HERE. New link 05/2024
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