"There is so much great music here..." WHERE TO START???

I recommend to
start with the HLFP-Samplers (especially HLFP 04).
Here you will come to know many of the bands/musicians featured in this blog. If you like what you hear, you may check out more of their music later on.
(You may also click on the picture on the sidebar and you will find the original post with download links.)

There is also a "FOCUS ON..." section. Here you will find albums that imo are absolutely great (***** = "five-stars-recordings") and that are essential listening and strongly recommended for download.

I TRY to RE-UP some stuff that has been down from time to

time, but I still don't have enough time to

listen to/post much new stuff.


IMPRESSUM: see here!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dustdevil & Crow - while walking slowly you can see the grasses grow (USA/UK 2009)

DUSTDEVIL & CROW are Michael Dustdevil of ANCIENTS and ATLANTIC DRONE fame and Bendle from THE DOOR AND THE WINDOW.

"walking slowly, watching the insects grow, watching the nettles sew, watching (and recording) the wind blow, moving slowly but then again - we're instantly in oak harbour usa and simultaneously in the weird whiteley woods in the uk, zanging and zinging, zinging and zanging..."

Don't have much info on this one, so just go, download and listen.

What do we hear?
First of all: This isn't rock music, it's rather experimental or some kind of weird folk music. Very quiet and with a rather sparse arrangement, mainly vocals and guitar. How you will react to this music will depend very much on your liking of the vocal style. It's very special and fits perfectly to the strange dreamlike atmosphere, but it surely will not be everyone's cup of tea. (Somehow it even reminds me of some a capella songs by the HOLY MODAL ROUNDERS, e.g. Werewolf, though the mood is very different, or some songs by ROY HARPER.)

And don't forget to visit Michael Dustdevil's site:

while walking slowly you can see
the grasses grow
(mp3-zip, 12 tracks, 102,4 MB, 45 min)
Get it here or here or here!


icastico said...

Bendle also has a new solo release out...


mike-floyd said...

Thanks for the info, icastico!

michaeldustdevil said...

cheers mate!... icastico is also now a member of dustdevil & crow, we've just started work on the 2nd lp...

i'll get that other thing to you later today... Mxxx

bendle said...

Thanks for this!!

If you want my solo stuff try:


