"Spectrum is my latest album and was written and recorded between October 2009 and February 2010, The music was recorded entirely in October 2009 but the lyrics were written mostly in between January and February.
I think this is my most accomplished album to date and that doesn't mean my favorite. Accomplished because it contains most of the genres I play with a great flow. Not my favorite because I'm in love with "The Eyelild Of God.." and I will have to work hard to out perform that one which is a prog-indie album very different from this one. I think "Spectrum" finishes what I started with "Slavery Ends With Art" which covers a lot of ground.
I'm very proud because I played lots of keyboards and for the first time I think I played it well and doesn't sound half as bad as my early experiments." (L. G.)
Again a very fine album by LEONEL GARCIA, the one-man neo-psychedelic band from Puerto Rico.
In his info (incl. in the zip-file) Leonel gives a track by track analysis of this album, and for lack of time I won't discuss it any further.
Get it and enjoy!
Q: How did you record "Spectrum"? Still all instruments played by yourself?
A: I used a WinXP PC with software to record and mix the tracks and another software to play virtual drums. I played all instruments which include guitars, basses and keyboards.
Q: What's your favourite track on the album? Why?
A: "Lost", it takes me to another place when I listen to it and I love the keyboard solo which is not common in my music. On the lyrics side my favorite is "My Best Friend (Song For Peter)" which is an extremely personal song.
Q: Since when are you into recording music?
A: Since 1991, a Canned Heat cover (I lost the recording, thank God), wrote my first song called "School Damage" in 1992.
Q: How many records did you already release on your website? Please list them in chronological order.
1. Destination: Saturn (Original Version) [from 1997]
2. Wooden Flower, Water And Air (Original Version) [from 2004]
3. Roots [from 2005]
4. Push Her [from 2006]
5. A Vision In A Dream [from 2006]
6. Unfinished Report Of Last Year's Report [from 2006]
7. A New Perspective [from 2007]
8. Debris [from 2007]
9. Hosted Critical Dynamic Resources [from 2007]
10. Wooden Flower, Water And Air [from 2007]
11. Lost In The Morning Dew [from 2007]
12. Destination: Saturn [from 2007]
13. Blue Brain Flu [from 2008]
14. Connect The Polka Dots [from 2008]
15. Filth [from 2008]
16. Slavery Ends With Art [from 2008]
17. Social Tea [from 2008]
18. The Black Lagoon [from 2009]
19. Memories Lost Under Grey Hair [from 2009]
20. The Eyelid Of God [from 2009]
21. Proceed At Your Own Risk! [from 2009]
22. Electric Laser Church Of Agnostic Gnomes [from 2009]
23. Sadness 'Round The Bend [from 2009]
24. Spectrum [from 2010]
Q: Any feedback for your last records (except for HLFP)?
A: I got 2 songs played on WFMU New Jersey's Solid Gold Hell with Sue P. both songs are from The Black Lagoon album:
Hostage Situation, The House at The End Of The Road. I don't know how they got them but I'm almost sure it was from HLFP.
Q: Any previous bands worth mentioning?
A: None.
Q: How do you write your songs? What comes first, words or music?
A: Music. "I wish I was Bob Dylan"...
Q: Did you ever consider to work with other people – for example a girl singer? Should be interesting, don't you think so?
A: My wife did background vocals on Vengo from Blue Brain Flu but that's about all I've done with other people. A girl singer would be great but I never considered "working" on music as it is a hobby to get rid of stress.
Q: Would it be ok, if people call your music "neo psychedelic rock"? Or what "label" would you prefer?
A: People can call it whatever they like but it is just music and hopefully they will enjoy it and spend a good 40 minutes.
Q: What is "psychedelic music" for you?
A: It used to be music that helped your trip, now it means the same without the chemicals.
(Very good answer! m-f)
Q: What is your all time favourite psychedelic record?
A: The Pretty Things' S.F. Sorrow.
Q: Any plans for live gigs?
A: None.
Q: What are your main influences?
A: Sonic Youth, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Black Sabbath and my favorite band of all time is Pavement. I'm also a fan of the early 80's new wave, 60's soul, The Beatles, hardcore punk... I should say EVERYTHING.
Q: The last five records you bought?
A: Last year I bought Dark Side Of The Moon on vinyl again and 6 CD's by Joan Manuel Serrat who is my favorite songwriter.
Q: Anything that you think is interesting, that you'd like to inform the blog readers about...
A: Well, people should check to The Dodos' Visiter album even though is from 2008 and they have a newer album. The album is very exciting. And of course I'm finishing recording the music of another album so look for it soon.
(L. G. via email)
If you like what you hear, you should visit Leonel's website http://leogt.blogspot.com and leave a comment! Here you will also find many more of his albums for free download.
LEONEL GARCIA - Spectrum (2010)
(mp3-zip, 44 min, 81,3 MB, cool artwork incl.)