Q: Who invoved? Who played what?
I TRY to RE-UP some stuff that has been down from time to
time, but I still don't have enough time to
listen to/post much new stuff.
IMPRESSUM: see here!
Re:Interpretace - 2nd Annual Live FEBRUARY 8TH 2010 (CZCH)
A live improvisation in the Reichenberger Library on February 8th.
01. the witch (Štriga)
02. cock blues (Kurac Blues)
03. little green song (Moli zeleni kanat)
04. watering can (Žbrufador)
05. flower (Rožica)
06. dark road (Škura cesta)
07. chamomile and coffe (Kamamila i kafe)
08. arm, knee (Ruka, koleno)
09. orange (Naronca)
10. our meadow (Joko joko)
11. very very (Naš kršin)
12. my cloud and i (Moj oblak i ja)
13. went hiding in the woods (Šo son se skrit va bošak)
14. border of miracle (Kunfin od mirakula)
15. this morning (Sutra)
Get it here!
"I've been releasing an album a month since Oct 25th 2009, and yesterday (= February 25th 2010) marked the release of my 3rd album. It's called Souls Worth Saving and i would love to share it with you. Actually i'd love to share it with as many people as i possibly can, and part of my goal is to reach a million downloads by October 2010. the albums i release are free (donations accepted). If you like the album, please share it with your friends in any way." (OaG in email)
"i'm doing this thing where i release an album a month, and try to see how many people i can share it with... i'm on album two." (OaG)
Part of the "one album a month project" (though with 27 minutes I would call it rather an ep...).
Get it! It's excellent. More guitar driven than "She's Buried Deep" posted earlier.
Favourite track: In Addition... He Floats Away, The Sun Disappeared (baby version)
OLD AND GRAY - Things Are Blurry
(mp3-zip, 5 tracks, 27 min, 61,1 MB)
Q: How'd you "label" your music?
"she's buried deep" is pretty fuzzy, lo-fi, electronic, dark, experimental, rock. kinda ambient too.
1) avant garde
2) hero
3) born again
4) choose to go
5) she left
6) dark wave
7) can you explain?
8) un et demi
9) ghoody
10) cemetery
11) bastards of wunderland
12) on that fateful day
13) organ deep love
14) in the back yard
15) railroad disaster
16) perfect anything
17) indians in the parkin lot
18) she left (dizzy oh my)
19) bells of distance
20) hi-tekWoman
(mp3-zip, 20 tracks, 46 min, 60 MB)
A blog dedicated to the mystical or psychedelic aspects in art, especially music. And a platform for artists and musicians with high ideals but lofi equipment.
Please do not send me any more music submissions and emails until further announcement!
A blog dedicated to the mystical or psychedelic aspects in art, especially music. And a platform for artists and musicians with high ideals but lofi equipment.